Sexy-Sweaters: Part 1
• find at separate tops
• AF only
• mesh by Sentate is included
• mesh by Sentate is included
• credit for base texture goes to Sentate as well :)
• compressorized

(747.82 KB)
Raonjena Fh#97 Retextures + Alpha Edit
• mesh by Raonjena is included
• works for all ages
• 12 colours
• textures by Nouk, modified by me
• alpha-edited
• compressorized
• binned and familified
Colour: Blond

Retextures with Rose binned as "Black"
(7.41 MB)
Retextures with Rose binned as "Red"
(7.41 MB)
PeggyZone SG Dec' 2011 Retextures
• mesh by PeggyZone is included
• works for all ages
• YF age fixed (in original version YF has TF's mesh which looks pretty weird)
• 12 colours
• textures by Nouk, modified by me
• compressorized
• binned and familified
thankyou so much for these <3
ReplyDeleteомама!! это самый крутейший подарок!! шмотки просто нереальные *0* спасибо-спасибо-спасибо!!!
ReplyDeleteШмоточкиии какая прелеееесть :333 И коса крута *О*
ReplyDeleteБольшое спасибо за все-все-все-все работыыыы :3
Твои ретекстуры заменили мне все остальные причи в игреХ)
Wonderful! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, they look wonderful, big hugs judith
ReplyDeleteэто Очень круто
ReplyDeleteЯ в восторге
Ну ты и так знаешь :3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your feedbacks! Will never be tired of repeating how happy I am to know you like my works. Sometimes I feel I just waste my time, but after your comments I'm more than sure I don't :)
ReplyDeleteHugs! ♥
Всем русскоговорящим: большущее спасибо :))
Oh yeah I forgot to ask, do you mind if I ask you where you got these three bottoms? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-P2Pkty5Rcf0/TtvuFUKibEI/AAAAAAAAAlg/kk1BII_dt_U/s1600/Sexy+Sweaters+Part+I.jpg
Micky, two of them are from Sentate @ MTS, 3rd possibly is base game.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I thought so but I wasn't sure.
ReplyDeleteMicky, no problem :)
ReplyDeleteI think I Love you.. lol. But wow these are amazing and all the other gifts as well! You're definitely one of my favs.
ReplyDeleteAnon, thank you :)))
ReplyDeletehahaha! look at those sweaters!
ReplyDeletelove them! awesome!
Thank you, sweet Anon :)
ReplyDeleteCan I recolor your sweater and put your credits?
ReplyDeleteOkay, send me the link to your recolours when you finish.
DeleteОчень нравится!А ты русскоговорящая?
Я - русскоговорящИЙ.
Sorry please, if there are errors, I think. that they will be ... because I'm translating everything through a translator because I speak Russian, English and speak not ... sorry to bother you, sweaters oen really interesting, as all of your creations, but I have a problem with loading ... in MEDIA FIRE says that the file is locked for the violation,could you post it again?
ReplyDeleteЕсли говоришь по русски - говори :D
DeleteНе знаю что за хрень с медиафайром, скоро перезалью файл. Спасибо за информацию!
Всё очень классное, мы ценим вашу работу) спасибо огромное :3
ReplyDeleteThat media file link is still error... :/ I hope you can fix it. These sweaters are so amazing! You did a good job!
ReplyDeleteWow you are amazing! I really just love your work! Haha I love that you actually make sweaters and things people ACTUALLY wear haha. I love the combat boots you do in some clothing, since I wear those all the time in real life. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I love the Lez/Gay action going on in the sweaters too haha CUTE!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't download the sexy sweaters. Part I and II. ): When I open the link, appears " This is a invalid link" or something like this... Help!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere you are! :) http://www.hypnotizedsims.com/2013/03/sweaters.html#more