Sunday, October 14, 2012

SkySims Fh#52 Retextures + Alpha Edit [Nouk&Kotangens' colours]

Hello! :)
SkySims' hair N52 is ready to be downloaded! hehe

Special thanks to Emilia for fixing it (making it wider and smaller). Now it looks like a usual hairstyle, not like a wig ^ ^

Also, there's no Pooklet's colours. If you really love them, then please, try my own ones firts. And if you still won't be pleased, let me know about it in comments, I will make Pooklet's colours for you :P

Model is by Splean

• mesh by Skysims is included (fixed by Emilia)

• works for all ages
• 12 colours
• textures by Nouk, modified by me
elders keep their colours
• binned and familified

Retextures with Rose binned as "Black"
(6.34 MB) 

 Retextures with Rose binned as "Red"
(6.34 MB)



  1. do you know where i would be able to find those glasses? im in love with them!

    1. They were made by me and shared with MissTiikeri as a part of gift. You can download them with her sim at GoS :)

  2. Aww thank you so much for these <3

  3. I love the ones you make. I always download yours ;)

  4. Perfect for the cute nerdy girl! :)


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