Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mediafire problems.


Guys, I'm in trouble, Mediafire deleted 44of my hair retextures, but sadly I have no possibility to recover them all!

If you still have any of these files (especially underlined ones - I don't have recolours for elders at all!) - please, send me archives back!

I don't know why these files were deleted. I can guess it's TSR because of deleting retextures of SkySims, Cazy and Newsea, but why on the Earth they would delete retextures of Trapping's and Coolsims' hairs?!

All in all, I'm really upset because of all this shit and hope you can help me.

Sexy Sweaters will be (re)uploaded today though :)

Hug you all!

The list of deleted hairs:

Cazy Fh65 Bynes 3t2 Retextures v2.7z;
Cazy Fh65 Bynes 3t2 Retextures.7z 
C65 Bynes 3t2 Retextures (Elders only).7z;
C82 Emma Retextures v2.7z 
C82 Emma Retextures.7z;
Cazy Fh#31 Retextures + Alpha Edit.7z; 
Cazy Fh#31 Edit (elders).7z

ButterflySims Fh#52 Retextures.7z;
ButterflySims Fh#52 Retextures (elders).7z 
Trapping Bed Bun 3t2 Retextures.7z;
Trapping Bed Bun 3t2 Retextures v2.7z

Skysims Fh077 3to2 Retextures.7z;
Skysims Fh077 3to2 Retextures v2.7z
Skysims Fh078 Retextures.7z
Skysims Fh079 Retextures.7z
Skysims Fh075 Retextures.7z;  
Skysims Fh075 Retextures (elders).7z
Skysims Fh081 Retextures.7z; 
Skysims Fh081 Retextures (elders).7z
Skysims Fh080 Retextures (elders).7z;
Skysims Fh080 Retextures.7z
Skysims Fh080 Retextures.7z

Coolsims Fh#96 Retextures (elders).7z
Coolsims Fh#96 Retextures.7z

Newsea J131f Retextures.7z  
Newsea J131f Retextures (elders).7z
Newsea YU142f Retextures + Alpha Edit.7z 
Newsea YU142f Edit (elders).7z
Newsea YU137m Retextures + Alpha Edit.7z 
Newsea YU137m Edit (elders).7z 
Newsea YU137f Retextures + Alpha Edit.7z
Newsea J130m Retextures v2.7z 
Newsea J130m Retextures.7z
Newsea J127f Retextures.7z 
Newsea J127f Retextures v2.7z
Newsea J125f Retextures.7z
Newsea J118m Retextures.7z 
Newsea J118m Retextures (Elders only).7z 
Newsea J118m Retextures v2.7z
Newsea J117f Retextures.7z   
Newsea J117f Retextures (elders).7z
Newsea J130f Retextures v2.7z 
Newsea J130f Retextures (elders).7z

5.kid Mh#6 Retextures + Alpha Edit.7z


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, I've got about 80% of your hair (because they're fabulous), so I'll send you few of them. That's a shame that Mediafire deleted them. :(

  3. Если бы я могла....я бы помогла, потому что у мея есть почти все ваши причёски, но у меня врядли хватит ума, чтобы выложить их(((((( сожелею((((((((

  4. Oh, goodness! That's more than I came across (I came across four)! O_O Sadly, I do not have any of those listed. :( And that bothers me because I really, really wish I could help!!! I hope you get all those files back somehow. I hope someone has these for you. We all need them, including you!!! :3

  5. I have 12 of these files, so I'll send them to you. Hope you can get the rest back :)

  6. They've been doing this a lot lately with sim creator's files

  7. That is sad. I have just started playing The Sims 2 again, and I'm so glad you're still active. Hope you manage to recover the lost hairs! xx

  8. Ужасная новость!!! У меня есть много перекрасок, сделанных Вами, но надо немного времени их выбрать!!! Я уже начала работу!

  9. У меня есть много Ваших перекрасок, но надо время чтоб их выбрать! Чуть позже пришлю ссылку на файл!

  10. What?! I'm so sorry, you put so much effort into your retextures everyone loves them and yet media fire decides to delete them...well don't worry you have a lot of followers who have your amazing creations, hopefully once my computer is fixed properly I'll check the list and help you out! Hope you get all you downloads back, we love them all!! :D

  11. Hey Kotangens, I have mostly ALL of your retextures saved. I can email them to you in WinRar files along with the pictures. Let me know. I'm not sure if you've already gotten a majority back from others though. :) Always here to help in any way that I can. <3

  12. Я нашла у себя чуть больше 100 ваших файлов с прическами! Скажите на какой файлобменник лучше их выложить? Сразу извиняюсь, но перекраски для пожилых я отдельно не качала, а из сборников удаляла бордовый, фиолетовый, красный и седой - так как обычно использую натуральные оттенки!

  13. thank GOD i downloaded all i wanted from the beginning to this year's uploads :D idk how to send them tho :\ but i'm sure others will help you. darn that mediafire anyways lol!!!!!!!!!

  14. That`s a shame =( I`ll see if I can find any, where should I send them to?

  15. Thank you all so much for help!!! ♥ Everything is fine already!

    Спасибо большое за предложение о помощи, всё в порядке уже! :)


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