Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week of constant updates: Anniversary Edition.

So I thought about special gifts and decided I will make another Week of Updates! :)
I think it's a better idea rather than upload all the gifts in one day, isn't it? Moreover, in this way I'll have more time for creating more stuff!

I think the WOCU #2 will be started on this Sunday or Monday and will last exactly 7 days. You'll get some delicious content all week long, so don't forget to check the blog daily! :)

And on the totally other side, the OP of secret #55, oh my god your picture made me laugh! I'm not sure if you're trolling me or anything, but that was funny, thank you! :D

Cute gif for you:



  1. Looking forward to next week! ^^

  2. Same here... You always make our day better with your work.

  3. Kotangens, thank you!

    Although my 8 year old girl (my computer) can't handle much anymore I haven't legit played my game in months. I constantly get the blank blue loading screen with the hourglass during gameplay whenever I download a lot things and I can never tell exactly what is causing it to happen, it is a pain. I still do download all of your retextures though and save them so when I eventually get a new girl I will have them all. I don't know when that will be though. :(

    Thank you for your non stop love for us sims 2 downloaders.




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