Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Talk and stuff.


Below is a message to all my friends which includes talk about myself, some ideas for header and suggestion to be closer to each other C:

Two last days were really awesome, I just spent them watching tv, eating and reading. It was a paradise comparing to my previous days (weeks. or months) I began to read Hunger Games and read it in two nights. Today I started reading 2nd book and planning to watch the film! C:

Also today I visited my dentist, she told me that soon we will take the braces off. Since I'm wearing them for more than 3 years, I'm super excited! I can't believe the whole teeth-problem will be over just in a couple of months!

Besides, I just realised there are SO MANY of you who left huge supporting messages and e-mails, I'm so glad people began to treat me not as an inanimate creating machine but as a human-being C:
One girl even told me she consider me as her friend, even though we never even told to each other. Even if it seems weird, I totally understand what did she mean, since I have the very exactly warm feeling to many of my guests!

So I have an idea which seems like a lot of fun! What if some of you who has cameras took a photo of themselves holding a list with a sign "Hypnotized Sims" (or anything else related to this blog), sent it to my e-mail (kotangenssims@gmail.com) and after I get enough photos I could make a collage and use it as a header?
Isn't it an awesome idea? C: Here's a simple example (I found the pic @ internet, so.. yeah)

Please, tell me what do you think about it and also feel free to tell me and others how did you spend your weekend, what happened to you or maybe what are you planning to do during this week? And also support each other, don't be afraid to communicate. All in all, I know there are lots of amazing people and it would be great if you guys could be friends C:

And don't worry, I didn't forget about my surprise. Though I will be late a bit with it >_<

Hugs to all! ♥


  1. Хоть я не умею писать много красивых слов, но скажу, что я искренне рад, что ты остался с нами и не бросил своё детище)

    3 года носить брекеты?? стоматолог не загнула?)

    1. Мне по идее должны были вырвать 4 коренных зуба, но чудо-стоматолог обошлась без этого, за что ей огромное спасибо. Да и 3 года пролетели быстро )

  2. If enough people send you their pictures I think that would be a really cool idea and I would certainly do it!!

  3. This definatley sounds like a lovely idea. My weekend was mostly spent at christmas craft fairs and essay prep and pre-write for an english essay due this thursday. I know what you mean with braces i had them for the majority of high school. But got them off a week before we had our Grad photos taken in Grade 12 :)I ablsolutly love the hunger games series, my grandmother even read and enjoyed all the books.
    Take care :)

    1. Thank you, Erin!
      Please, tell me about christmas craft fairs, I have no idea what it is.

      Oh, you're lucky! I hoped mine ones will be off before Grad, too :)

      Hope you did well your essay (it's Thursday, 6 p.m. in my city so I guess you already finished it)!

  4. Awesome idea Kot and i'm totally down, i will send you a picture straightaway:)

  5. Sounds good! I'm busy at the moment but I guess that I'll be able to make something for you C:


  6. Hey! I'm glad you had a good weekend (I hadn't...had to learn for my driver's license again ._.' and sooo much snow here in Bavaria...it's disgusting!) and I'm also happy for you that your braces will be gone soon...I know how terrible they are sometimes xD
    As for your idea...I think it's a good one :) I'll see whether I can take a photo, too ^^
    And Kotagens...don't stress yourself ;) We're all looking forward to your surprise but will be waiting patiently for it. So just take your time ;) After all - as you also said yourself - you're a human being and not a producing machine! ;)

    1. Oh, but it was worth it, wasn't it? I mean, you're gonna have driver's licence, yay! :D There's a lot of snow in Saint-Petersburg, too. Even too much of it :C

      Thank you for support, and will wait for your photo :)

  7. You know Kot, you've always been a friend to me! Nothing has changed! Although I never met you face to face, I know you just enough to call you my "friend", you've been a great help, and a good contribute to the sims community! (:
    never forget that, you have fans, people who look up to you, your no producing machine, your a human! Even if you were to be a producing machine, your the best producer machine I've ever known! ^__^ Also a Fantastic Idea About the Banner! :3

    1. Awh thank you, dear Angelbeam!

      I don't have fans but friends hehe :)

      Well, I hope to see your photo for header then!

  8. Sounds like an awesome idea :3

    1. Definitely!
      Take a part and you'll be even more awesome :3

  9. Dammit, I want to post comments from my live journal and can't seem to do it. It keeps saying something is invalid. >_<

    Anywho, I was laughing because I thought that was you in the photo before I actually began reading. LOL. I said "He's adorable!"

    I'll send you a picture.

    AND, my weekend was just the same ol. BUT, my week should be great. I'm getting my tragus pierced, have a photoshoot on Saturday plus hanging with my dad, and getting a haircut. a lot huh?


    1. Oh, try to do it with another internet browser, maybe?

      LOL that's not me, no!

      Yay, looking forward to see it!

      Wow, I had no idea what tragus is, but I swear it looks awesome!!! Stace, feel free to send me pictures after getting pierced and after getting haircut :) And yep, you gonna have a definitely awesome week! :)

  10. This is cool =) I like it. I read the hunger games, i think its an awesome book (or series) and watched the movie, but i wont spoil anything =D I had,in the week, the test that will tell me if i am going to university or not, so now i`ll relax, eat chips, and play sims =) yep

    1. I began to read 3rd book today and right now I'm finishing watching the film! So spoilers are useless anyway :P

      Oh god! I remember how much I worried about my results, with all my heart I wish you the best, I already know you passed it, but please, let me know how happy you are after getting results ;)

  11. Идея классная)А эта книга правда интересная,а то фильм не очень?!Спасибо за новости)))

    1. Спасибо! Принимай участие)
      Книга шикарная, очень советую. Я внезапно решил её прочитать, мне её одногруппница советовала месяц назад. Просто взял ночью и начал читать (скачал на телефон). За 2 ночи дочитал, вчера закончил вторую книгу, начал третью. Прямо сейчас заканчиваю смотреть фильм, тут урезана небольшая часть, но в целом очень неплохо получилось. Жаль что вторая часть фильма выйдет только в следующем ноябре >_<

  12. Awh Lorene! I missed you :))
    Thank you, dear! I'd use the same words to describe you ♥

    Oh my god, that's great! I'm sincerely happy for your dreams come true :)))

    Waiting for your photo a lot!

  13. My camera (Webcam, I threw my camera away because I'm smart like that) has reeeeally low quality, but I'll try to get a decent pic for you ... maybe this weekend if I have the time to make something awesome to hold in front of my face. <3

  14. I can identify with you teeth-problem! I had the ugly braces couple of years too and it was awful. Even nowadays when I don't have anything additional on my mouth I never show my teeth while in smiling. Just a habit but veryyyy annoying. :D
    I'm gonna spend my weekend with my boyfriend who's coming to vacation from military, yay! And had to also read for matriculation examination, not so yay..
    Ps. It's a suuuuuper amazing thing that you decided to create the advent calendar in this year! Love it (I also love the idea of the new header) :) Happy winter days for you Kot! ^^,


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